In March, we reconvened the Steering Group for Open Energy. The Steering Group comprises a wide range of industry leaders and subject matter experts, representing a cross section of private and public players with unique contributions. The Steering Group plays a critical role in Open Energy’s development, providing us with a sector perspective that ensures that Open Energy is designed for and with the energy industry.

During March’s meeting, we heard updates on the current state of play in the energy sector, including new publications, investment announcements, code reforms and the government’s Smart Data strategy. Icebreaker One outlined work in productisation of data sharing initiatives. Ofgem shared an update on consumer consent, the use of ‘Trust – Prepare – Share’ principles in Data Sharing Infrastructure (DSI) and data best practices. The top three priority areas of DESNZ include publishing the Digital Spine Feasibility Study; innovative projects in the development of automatic asset registration; and Smart Data Schemes. Finally, updates on the Virtual Energy System (VES) and DSI were shared, including a high level roadmap for delivery. 

With 2024 looking to be pivotal for the energy sector, the Open Energy Steering Group is actively inviting stakeholders to join and participate in these key discussions.

Key insights:

  • Updates on the current state of play were noted, including:
  • Updates from IB1 were noted, outlining work in productisation of data sharing initiatives:
    • Icebreaking – the process of governance, including SG and five AGs to select use cases, collectively define and approve the rules in a Scheme .
    • Trust Framework – identity management and registry, assurance, principles of data sharing and Open Data publishing (
    • Scheme – use-case-led set of specific rules related to data sharing and  its market implementation (
  • Ofgem presented an update on:
    • Consumer consent – a secure, trusted method for giving informed consent to share smart meter data to allow for Flex, innovative products, enhanced visibility and lower costs.
    • Data Sharing Infrastructure – secure and reliable Data Transfer, using ‘Trust – Prepare – Share’ principles.
    • Data Best Practices – standardising and surfacing system data through licence/code obligation to follow the DBP. Expansion across the energy sector will evolve common standards & methods of triage, aggregation, taxonomy, etc.
  • An update from DESNZ was presented, including three priority areas:
  1. Publishing the Digital Spine Feasibility Study.
  2. Visibility of small assets (asset registration service).
  3. Smart Data Schemes.
  • A Virtual Energy System & Data Sharing Infrastructure update was presented:
    • The feasibility study resulted in ‘Trust, Prepare, Share’ framing. The Prepare and Trust elements are being delivered by the National Digital Twin and IB1 (via Open Energy) respectively.
    • A high-level roadmap for delivery was shared.
  • It was further discussed that the broader vision of the ‘digital spine’, ‘virtual energy system’ and ‘open energy’ (which all now sit under the Data Sharing Infrastructure) is market-wide interoperability.
  • The governance of Open Energy was discussed:
    • It was noted that given the various programmes and priorities discussed, that 2024 is a pivotal year for energy data.
    • Government values broad industry representation, so who should be in the SG?
    • Broadening industry representation was seen as a priority. 
    • Stakeholders in retail, smart device manufacturers and suppliers were suggested.

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