Our Perseus Steering Group met at the British Business Bank on Monday 27th March 2023.

As part of our standard practices on transparency, we are including public minutes of the meeting.

Further, since then, the initiative has been included in the Green Finance Strategy

“The UK government is working with Bankers for Net Zero, the British Business Bank and a range of industry stakeholders, to automate SME sustainability reporting on a national scale…building on both Open Banking and Open Energy.” — more detail here

Summary minutes


  • ALL: Please share this call of participation: Perseus Advisory Groups
  • ALL: Note dates:
    • 5th  June 15:00-17:00 BST, London (location tbc): Next SG meeting 
    • 27th June we will have an event at London Climate Action Week  
    • 11th September 15:00-17:00 BST, London (location tbc): SG meeting
  • DESNZ, PT: explore and add references to safeguarding & potential policy needs
  • PT: define accountability measures for the SG, circulate for approval
  • PT: discuss and agree communications approach, circulate
    (PT = Perseus team)


  • the vision, mission, values, success criteria & high-level plans were approved
  • the five advisory groups and their remits were approved


  • presented the overview and success criterion [PDF of slides presented]
  • summarised stakeholder feedback from the last six weeks
  • went through the process and high-level plan
  • heard feedback from SG members on robust engagement and accountability
  • discussed how to drive engagement from the sector, and include the perspective of market/member-represented stakeholders and members. 
  • outlined future communications for engagement   


PrincipalBankers for Net Zero

Co-chairs: British Business Bank, Icebreaker One

Steering Group members represented at the meeting included:
